Hello everyone! I hope you all are able to enjoy a restful Sunday at home. I'd like to share brief information about the upcoming poetry eBook. As you know, I write poems on this website for all people to enjoy. I thought it would be a wonderful idea to put together an eBook of all the poetry I have written on my website that are not children's poems. To make the eBook interesting, I have written a few pieces that are not on my website for added anticipation. Given this information, the poetry book will be a modern version of the classics. There is not a theme I am specifically writing about in this upcoming eBook. Rather, it will be a short book of most of my work that I deem worthy to share with you. I have started on another poetry project that will focus on law enforcement families, but that will be discussed at a later time. For now, I am focusing on formatting my book and researching the best self publishing route for myself and my followers. I don't have a release date yet, but I will have a better idea once the eBook is close to completion. Thank you for reading my blog posts and having a love of poetry. I am honored to share my passion with every beautiful soul in this world.
Much love,
Brittany Benko